光学胶 , 3M双面胶 , 三层防刮花膜 , PORON , 保护膜

供应手机辅料背胶双面胶模切加工,我司是一家专业的手机辅料模切商,背胶双面胶这一块我们产量比较高,质量把关也是相当严格的。我们规格尺寸都是按照客户指定来订制的。 背胶双面胶产品主要是起一个粘合的作用,也具有一定的填充作用,通过模切加工冲型使得背胶双面胶产品广泛运用于众多数码电子产品上。欢迎有需要的朋友前来咨询选购!我们竭诚为您服务! Mobile phone accessories supply gum double-sided adhesive die cutting processing, our company is a professional mobile phone accessories company, die cutting gum double-sided gum this one we yield is higher, quality is also very strict. Our size is according to the customer designated to custom. Gum double-sided adhesive products are mostly up a bonding effect, also has certain filling effect, through the die cutting processing impact type make gum double-sided adhesive products are widely used in many digital electronic products. Welcome friends in need to come to consult to choose and buy! We sincerely for your service!